Name Username Bullet Blitz Rapid Classical Puzzle
Danny GottschalkMop44920422082214318702167
Mark AllisonAshley415002014205319022400
Jamie Woodhousecosmic4z16171934192615971985
Jay RyallsJayRyalls200316831819150015002363
David MooreDMfanboy118811757191221212238
Steve MoonEnglishMoon13531677179015001523
Jordan Bentliffesperanchess12131654188815952048
Brendan AshmoreHobgoblin577115391639150018152060
Oliver WestOliver_West11291634172516581869
David ToftTheSpinyOne15001630172915002161
Trevor Pilleyalainpi14901564175717532337
Bill WardBillyBonkers1500154817621712
Connor FairfieldCf921500150011561500
Sarah WhiteSalouwww15001494182315001607
Junaid WaseemNotNotJed1115341397153019301692
Stephen DaykinStoitchkov15001299163313352050
Alex ThorpAJTerrifi13881290131012931486
Dan Sturmand_s_truman15001045160913521867
Ian DaveyIandavey7217101002145113481390
Finlay Roscoefroscoe

Quite a few of us play on popular internet chess website, Lichess:

Above is a leaderboard (sorted by Blitz rating) of club players. If you’d like adding to the list, please Email us your name and Lichess username to:

Woodseats Lichess Weekly Arena

We run an online tournament for club members every Sunday afternoon from 4:00pm.

If you’d like to join us, here’s what you’ll need to do:

1. If you don’t already have one, sign up for a free account:

2. Join the Woodseats team:

3. Join upcoming tournaments (before they start) every Sunday from 4pm:

If you have any problems, or would like a notification as tournaments are setup (containing a link to tournament) please Email:

When the tournament starts, you’ll automatically be matched against other Woodseats players. It’s 5 minute Blitz; and the tournament duration is 45 minutes (4:00pm – 4:45pm).

Have fun!!!